Therapies sessions

"Claudio has created a space for me to find clarity and peace around a major decision in my life. He helped me connect to my higher self and enabled me to access my intuition even when life was quite stressful. His ability to empathise and read what you need in each session is incredible and I always leave feeling so much calmer and connected to myself. I am extremely grateful for the clarity, guidance and support he has provided me at a time when it seemed nothing else could help." - Cara

"My treatment with Claudio was a wonderful and deeply relaxing experience. The various techniques Claudio works with allowed my body to open up on a deep cellular level to release old patterns and energies, to renew and revive. I could feel a deep union taking place within me and felt very peaceful and whole afterwards." - Marion

"I would highly recommend Claudio to assist you with a healing experience. He has a very calm and caring nature and is skilled at assisting his clients." - John

"I feel so nourished in my sessions with Claudio. I am able to find a space where I can deeply relax and let go, which is very replenishing to my soul. I highly recommend Claudio's beautiful heartfelt energy which carries you and nurtures you." - Constantina

"After my session with Claudio, I felt calm and peaceful and have continued that way. I don't know what he did. He has his own special style. Claudio is an amazing and gifted healer. I wholeheartedly recommend him." - Lily

Selfcare Audio Collection

"I was on night shift and had a moment before work to try to connect to my heart. I felt uncomfortable sitting in stillness and I didn’t know what to say to connect. My breathing felt laboured.

Then I listened to the audio. And I felt a wave of peace come over me, and I felt so at one with my heart just sitting in the moment. Just being in the present moment, nothing else seemed to matter.

Thank you so much Claudio. That was so comforting." - Michaela

"The concept of the spiritual healing prayer audios is simple and so effective. I listen to them on the way to work, and they set me up for a healthy mindset at work." - M