Embracing my higher self

daily ritual selfcare program

This daily ritual selfcare program provides you with tools and resources to inspire a deeper and more authentic connection with your Higher Self.

It empowers you to recognise and embrace the source of your Divinity.

It also inspires a mindset for higher self-worth, a deeper connection to your true sense of Self, and reverence for the amazing Divine Being that you are.

Use this program whenever you're in need of feeling more centred, or in need of reinforcing your Higher Self connection.


You’ll find value in this self-care program if you relate to any of the following:

  • You struggle with low self-esteem, feel unworthy, or are searching to validate your self-worth, so you can honour yourself in the way you deserve
  • You yearn for a deeper connection to the Divinity inside you, so you can feel more aligned and in tune with your purpose
  • You potentially have unresolved feelings of rejection from the past, and are in need of restoring your sense of self, through an inner connection that offers you a highest form of unconditional love
  • You’ve had to deal with feelings of betrayal, and are in need of healing through building trust in a reliable and supportive connection to your higher wisdom
  • You feel unsupported, and need to look within for a dependable source of support as strength within yourself

By using this daily ritual self-care program, you’ll be assisted to:

  • Feel a stronger connection with your true sense of self
  • Tap into your inner strength
  • Feel empowered through recognising a source of resourcefulness inside you
  • Connect with your own Divinity
  • Feel a supportive presence of God within
  • Associate your identity through the eyes of your Higher Self
  • Feel a deeper, stronger, more personal and intimate connection with your Higher Self – which is the Divinity you hold inside yourself

Daily Ritual Format

The general format of the daily ritual is to:

  • Listen to a spiritual healing audio in the early part of your day (to help set up your mindset).
  • Use a focus statement (similar to an affirmation) throughout your day.
  • Listen to a guided meditation in the evening or later part of the day.

Follow this daily ritual for as long as you need or like, but as a general guide, aim for at least 5-7 days.

Listening to the audios with earplugs or headphones will help to internalise your focus and deepen your experience.


To help you get the most out of this selfcare daily ritual:

  • Approach it with an openness in your mind, and in your heart.
  • Find yourself a quiet space (or at least somewhere you won’t be distracted) in which you can listen to the audios.
  • Have the intent to be committed and consistent with your selfcare, so you can reap the greatest benefits from the effort you put in.

Setting up your mindset - healing prayer intention audio

Start the process of transforming your mindset by listening to the healing prayer intention audio (about 3-4 minutes). This is worded as a form of intention/prayer to help you shift your focus to a mindset that is more uplifted, empowered, and spiritually connected.


Listen to the audio at least once, but really you can listen to it as many times as you wish. ie you can listen to it a few times in a row to really build some momentum with a mindset shift, or you can listen to it as often as you need throughout the day.

For best results:

  • As you listen to the words, try to really feel them, and imagine as if the words are coming from you.
  • For greatest effect, it’s important to be very present, and allow the words to really sink in as you listen to them.
  • You can just listen passively while taking in the experience of the audio.
  • If you prefer a more active experience, you can repeat the words silently or out loud as you listen to them. This helps to make it feel like they are coming from you. The more you feel and own the words as you speak them, the more they can filter into your energies.
  • After finishing with the audio, spend a few moments in silent reflection, savouring the energy. Be in the space of your heart, and have faith in the spiritual connection you’ve just made.

Mindful Focus Throughout the Day

Being mindful with focus statements help to shape your mindset, and also help to release the charge from limiting beliefs.

Focus statements are instilled with spiritual guidance and inspiration, and aim to expand your perceptual awareness for embodying higher qualities.

Choose a focus statement for the day. Then work with your focus statement using several 1-2 minute laser focus bursts throughout your day.

List of Focus Statements

  1. 1
    My Higher Self is a piece of God, and is the holy part of me.
  2. 2
    My Soul gives me strength and guidance, and is connected to me in every moment.
  3. 3
    I feel the Divine presence of my Higher Self, through quiet inward focus, with no agenda or expectation, and allow for us to connect in the deepest possible way.
  4. 4
    My Soul is always close, observing me without judgement, and constantly offers me guidance, should I take the time to notice.
  5. 5
    I am aligned with purpose, when my will and the will of my Higher Self are one, so my Higher Self can shine its Light and Wisdom through me.
  6. 6
    When I am connected to my Higher Self, I am centered and at peace.
  7. 7
    Connecting to my Higher Self brings me to my centre.
  8. 8
    The energies of my Higher Self fortify the field and energies of my aura.
  9. 9
    My Higher Self is the source of my power and strength.

Laser Focus Bursts Guidelines

A laser focus burst is a 1-2 minute period, in which you completely devote yourself to working with a focus statement. (See ‘How to use a Focus Statement’)

  • During this 1-2 minutes, repeat the focus statement to yourself – slowly, purposefully and mindfully.
  • Be mindful as you do so. Observe yourself during the process. Is it inspiring you? Is it comforting you? Does it bring up an undesirable feeling? Do you feel conflicted? Whatever response you observe within yourself, the key is to embrace it with acceptance. Don’t try to change your response. There is no right or wrong.
  • Aim for at least 5-7 laser focus bursts throughout the day. This will help the effect of the focus statement sink into your energies.
  • You can spend longer than the 1-2 minutes if you want to spend more time absorbing the essence of the statement.

Be mindful for any insights that pop into your awareness through the course of the day in relation to the focus statement.

Jot down any insights you receive on a notepad or in a journal.

It’s helpful to schedule some kind of reminder or alarm for your laser focus bursts. ie an hourly chime or some kind of repeatable reminder on your phone.

Use this reminder to prompt you to stop whatever you are doing for 1-2 minutes, so you can spend that time focusing on your chosen focus statement for the day.

How to choose a Focus Statement

Some suggestions for choosing your focus statement of the day ...

  • Choose one at random
  • Work through the list in order
  • Work through the list backwards
  • Briefly scan the list and pick one you intuitively feel drawn to
  • Choose one that evokes the most emotional response in you when you read it (emotions yield more effective results when working with a focus statement)

If you feel drawn to keep using a focus statement you’ve already used, then do so. Sometimes this can be helpful if the focus statement is helping you to release the charge from a limiting belief.

The most important guideline is to choose the one that feels most right for you at the time.

How to use a Focus Statement

A focus statement is much like an affirmation.

Unlike an affirmation however, which aims to instil a positive thought by force, a focus statement places no expectation on how you react to the statement.

A focus statement is worded in a way to guide your thoughts, and inspire your awareness to expand beyond its current limits.

The aim of a focus statement is to inspire you, and invite you into the energy of the wording of the statement.

The way to use a focus statement, is to say it to yourself in a very slow, purposeful and mindful way, and to keep repeating it for a period of time. Some key points:

  • Say the focus statement slowly, and purposefully. Really focus on the words as you say them.
  • It’s best to say focus statements out loud, or to whisper them to yourself. However, you can also say them in your mind too.
  • Repeat the focus statement over and over – slowly, and mindfully.
  • Make it your intent to embrace the spirit of the statement. Really try own the words, and FEEL them as they flow through you.
  • Observe yourself as you say the words. Notice if you feel yourself tightening or recoiling, or whether you feel yourself being inspired and uplifted. It’s important not to judge how you react to the statement.
  • Be completely accepting of yourself and your feelings regardless of what the focus statement is evoking in you.
  • The more you work with a focus statement, and persevere with it, the greater the opportunity for unconscious barriers to slowly unwind and dissolve.
  • For the duration of time you work with a focus statement, completely focus your attention while repeating the focus statement. Mindfully observe yourself throughout the whole process.
  • Avoid using focus statements when you are distracted or doing something else. It’s best to be completely present, and whole-heartedly focused.

Integration - Guided meditation audio

This guided meditation takes you through a process to feel the presence of your Higher Self, and to develop your own connection from within the space of your heart.

A calming narrative guides you step by step, helping you to focus within, and explore what this connection feels like for you.

Listen to it at least once per day, when it feels right to do so.

As a suggestion, you might listen to it towards the end of your day, or in the evening, as this might be a good time to allow the work you’ve done during the day with the spiritual healing (mindset) audio as well as the focus statement, to integrate into your energies.

Get yourself comfortable in a quiet space, listen to the narrative, and allow yourself to sink into a deeply meditative state.

Allow the meditation to take you wherever you need to go.