
A sacred healing therapies experience is all about positive transformation from within an ambient safe and sacred space, whether that space be within an energy healing session, a live meditation, or from within the personal sacred space of spiritual self-care.

It’s so easy to lose yourself amid the flurry of daily life. Pressure, stress, overwhelm can all contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, hopelessness and desperation.

The therapies and resources from this site can help by offering you some reprieve from the pressures and stress you may be facing.

About Claudio

Over the span of more than 20 years, I have provided a service of offering healing touch therapies sessions for my clients.

I am a qualified practitioner of Shiatsu, Acupressure, Anma, Tuina, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Polarity Therapy and Reflexology.

My skill set has deepened through integrating quality aspects of therapies such as Spiritual Healing, Hakomi Body Psychotherapy, Forensic Healing, Emotion Code and other Energy Psychology approaches to healing.

I have a deeply compassionate nature, and strive to make my clients feel safe, valued, nurtured and understood.

I create a space where you can feel accepted, and safe to open your heart to healing.

I really enjoy using a calming and soothing style of energy work to help draw people into a deeply relaxed state, from which they can harmonise and connect with their own inner healing.

My main intent for your therapies session is to create the sacred space as an opportunity for you to feel safe to open up to and allow a process of healing to awaken from within you.

My focus is always for your highest healing, and I use my spiritual connection to create a field where the highest energies are contributing to your treatment and highest transformation.

Claudio resides in Adelaide, South Australia with his wife and two daughters.

About the content on this website

My intent with the content on this website, is to provide some helpful resources for anyone who has a need for feeling more hope, comfort, support and inner peace.

Most of us have to contend with worries and stress in our own ways, doing our best to deal with the ups and downs of life.

My focus is to contribute a pool of resources, creatively inspired, to provide you with a means of accessing a source of inner strength, comfort and love.

With the aim to help you transform your inner state to one that is calmer, more at peace, and more at one in your relationship with a higher spiritual source.

It is intended to act as a light in helping you toward your own ongoing inner transformation, to inspire you to align yourself more closely with the higher part of yourself, and to reach out and lean on a source of spiritual support from the Universe that is always there, ready and waiting to assist you.

Creating Inspired Soulful Content

This is a snippet from my journal which describes an example of how I may get into a ‘zone’ from which inspired content gets created.

Getting into the zone of connecting with my creative inspiration

The golden sunshine streams down upon me, filling me with warmth and healing, as I sit on the ground in nature amongst the trees, noticing the sounds from a nearby running stream and the chirping of birds.

My body is discharging the build up of energy that has accumulated during the day. Accumulations of stress from things like getting the kids to school on time in the morning, navigating heavy traffic on the road, being inundated at work, being in the energy of a busy office environment, more traffic stress after work, and the subtle yet undeniable influence of the collective anxiety and stressed energies from over a million inhabitants in the city in which I live.

Sitting in nature in the golden light of a late spring afternoon is like a soothing balm on my tired and achy body. The pressure in my head from the hundreds of thoughts in my mind, all competing for my attention, is eased away, and my mind is able to come more at rest, as I take a deep breath and close my eyes, pointing my face into the glowing rays of sunshine.

It’s hard to describe or explain, but what I’m feeling is a weird sensation that feels both uncomfortable and relieving. It’s sort of like when you have pins and needles in your leg, and the blood is starting to rush back. You know it’s good for you, but it feels uncomfortable, and you know you just have to see the process through.

What I’m feeling is like a discharge of static, leaving my body, flowing outwards as well as down into the ground.

The trees surrounding me, the earth below me, the golden sunshine above me, are all working together to cleanse my energies from the built-up energies which I’ve collected during my day, and they are slowly directing it out of my body – partly evaporating outward from all sides around me, and partly being funnelled into the Earth.

I remain mindful during this time. I’m observing all the sensations I am feeling.

My body slowly feels lighter.

My mind slowly feels clearer.

Slowly, I am able to take deeper breaths.

And slowly, I tune more into myself, remembering what it feels like to be in my own energies again.

I feel closer to my spirit. I recognise myself again.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. It feels good to get in touch with myself again.

I feel a tingle of energies building up from within myself. I’m connecting more strongly with my spirit now.

I feel like I’m able to access the wisdom from within more reliably in this space. I’m able to access my inner guidance more strongly now.

This is when I pick up my pen, and open my journal.

I will my mind to be empty, and start to write.

I allow the words to flow from inside me onto the page, without thinking too much about them as I write.