Inspiring spoken word intention audios with harmonious backing music.

These audios help to deepen your spiritual connection, feel more uplifted, and help you into a mindset that inspires inner strength, greater peace, and feeling supported.

Why and how to use these audios

Why use these audios?

  1. 1
    They provide a means of helping you to deepen your spiritual connection in a very uplifting and empowering way
  2. 2
    They help you feel a greater sense of self-worth
  3. 3
    They help you into a more inspired and empowered mindset
  4. 4
    They help you feel more connected with your innate Divinity
  5. 5
    They invite feelings of peace, and inspire inner strength, to help bolster your resilience with worry, anxiety and stress
  6. 6
    They help you feel comfortable to draw upon a source of spiritual support and assistance from the highest Divine Source
  7. 7
    They help to ease feelings of isolation and depression, by encouraging you to push the boundaries around your perception of yourself, and to create space in your awareness for being open to feeling spiritual support through a connection with a Divine Higher Power
  8. 8
    They may be used as a style of mindset affirmation to help you focus on feeling more uplifted and spiritually connected

How to use these audios

Use these audios as a style of affirmation to help focus your intentions for a mindset that is more uplifted, empowered, and spiritually connected.

  • As you listen to the words, try to really feel them, and imagine as if the words are coming from you
  • If you like, you can repeat the words silently or out loud as you listen to them. This helps to make it feel like they are coming from you. The more you feel and own the words as you speak them, the more profound the spiritual connection becomes
  • It’s equally effective to just listen passively while taking in the experience of the audio
  • For greatest effect, it’s important to be very present, and allow the words to really sink in as you listen to them
  • After you finish playing an audio, spend a few moments in silent reflection, savouring the energy created by the audio. Be in the space of your heart, and have faith in the spiritual connection you have just made


Throughout the audios, wherever a reference is made to God, you can associate this with whatever association that has a personal and meaningful significance for you.

The reference to God is in relation to a benevolent Infinite Higher Power that is the focus of a loving and meaningful spiritual connection.

It’s important that you personalise how you associate with the source of your spiritual connection, so that you feel completely comfortable. This way, the audio can convey its most beneficial effect.

Use any terminology in which you feel comfortable associating with a Higher Power that is benevolent, loving, supportive, and which has your best interests at heart.

Some examples may include Divine Source, Creator, the Universe, Jesus, Great Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Creative Source, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, or Divine Spirit.

Angels by my side

This audio guides you to ask for Angelic assistance in surrounding you with strength and support.

It invites you to feel the loving presence of God shine through the Angels.

It invites you to feel peace in knowing that God and the Angels are always by your side.

Divine spark within me

This reassuring and inspiring audio, worded in the form of a spiritual intention prayer, and backed by beautiful rhythmic music, helps to steer you in creating a strong and close connection with your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is a true source of personal power and inner strength, which this audio helps you to consciously connect with.

It’s a powerful reminder of who you truly are.

This intention prayer inspires you into a mindset for aligning your will and intention into harmony with your Higher Self. The aim of this is to create experiences that invite harmony and flow into your life.

Your Higher Self is an integral part of your intuition, which serves to subtly guide you in ways that are for your highest good. This spiritual intention prayer audio helps you to consciously invite this intuitive connection and strengthen your connection to your inner guidance.

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Fill my heart with peace

This audio encourages you to reach out to God/Divine Source in a very heartfelt way, with a call to invite a deep and meaningful connection from within your heart.

Embracing the presence of Higher Love around you can help you to feel at ease, allowing its power to melt away fears, and to invite feelings of safety and strength.

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Healing and Transformation

One of the greatest things you are here on this Earth to achieve, is to fulfill the intentions and aspirations that your Soul has set for you, in this journey called your Life.

More often than not, obstacles get in the way and this includes your fears, insecurities, buried emotions from past traumas, holding onto grievances and resentment, or having an inability to forgive or move on

Most of these have a firm grip on you when you associate more strongly with your ego, than what you do with your Soul.

Use this audio to help you into a mindset, in which you can lower your barriers and resistance so as to allow a higher healing to take place inside you, that may lead to an inner transformation which helps you transcend the obstacles mentioned above (which may be inhibiting you from being in closer alignment with your Soul).

This audio helps you set the intention for your highest inner transformation, for you to experience in your daily life, more of what is for your highest good.

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My inner light

There’s a real focus on mindset with this audio.

It helps you tap into a source of inner strength which comes through your Higher Self.

You’re assisted to recognise this and embrace it, so you can draw on this source of strength and power whenever you need it, especially in your times of need.

This audio acts as a reminder to turn inward towards the flame of your inner light, so you can focus within to find your strength and power, instead of attempting to find it in things external to yourself.
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My sacred source

Realise you are more than your physical body. Your consciousness is connected to a greater source. This source is ever present and is all around you. It penetrates the fibres of your being and animates your physical self.

Become conscious of this and remind yourself who you really are. A sacred soul, a spark of the Divine.

Rest and recharge upon the shores of this awareness.

Let yourself be renewed from recognising the grandness of your spirit, and the Light you are here to shine for the good of all.

Remind yourself through this audio that you are so much more than what your eyes perceive, and that you are ever connected to a Grand Source of Divinity. This is the true source of your strength, light and truth

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Prayer for blessings

To pray for blessings is to invite an outpouring of spiritual divine force for the outward manifestation of upliftment, healing, harmonising, and whatever positive effect is available and permissible at the time.

The pouring out of a beneficial spiritual force from a higher spiritual plane is in essence what many would call the Grace of God.

Every person has the ability and the right to ask for blessings for themselves or for someone else.

The more you come from your heart, and the purer your intent, the greater the power behind your request.

When using this prayer to ask for blessings for yourself, or for those you love, get into a quiet inward space and connect with your heart.

Ask for blessings with an open heart, and with no expectations or demands.

Ask for blessings in the spirit of surrendering to the highest influence that is achievable and permissible through the wisdom of Divine Will.

By connecting as strongly as you can to the force of Love in your own heart as you use this prayer, the greater the field of energy you create in which the blessings can flow.

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Prayer for harmony

This is a very cleansing prayer, that calls for assistance to dispel the effects of any disharmony which may be affecting you.

It helps you enter a state of presence where your energy and vibrations can be raised and uplifted in ways that help bring you greater feelings of harmony and peace.

Make a heartfelt genuine request to surround yourself in vibrations of harmony to help clear your energies and invite a more peaceful inner state.

Breathe deeply throughout this prayer audio, and trust that there are divine energies working upon and around you for your upliftment in response to your request.

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Surrender into oneness

Create a sacred space for yourself.

Use it as a source of shielding and strength when it all feels like it’s too much.

If the chaos of the outside world makes you feel unsafe, use this audio to help you create your sanctuary in which you feel safe.

Use it to fuel your intention in allowing sacred energies to surround you in a field of oneness, and feel connected to energies of purity, protection and healing.

Feel safe within your sacred space to surrender to receiving the highest energies of Divine Light and Healing.

 Let this audio help you create your own little Idaho, in which you get some replenishing healing time.

Together we shine

Reconnect to your sovereign self.

When you’re feeling lost, remind yourself of who you truly are.

Rekindle your sense of identity, by aligning with your Soul, and be fuelled by the purpose of your Soul.

When life gets overwhelming and overpowering, and makes you feel really small, listen to this audio to remind you of your grandness, your uniqueness, and why you are here.

When you lose your way, let this audio help you shape your intent for getting back on track.

And that track is the light of your highest path.

Acknowledge to yourself that you have a higher purpose, and let yourself be guided by that inner knowing, which ever beckons you to your purpose.

 Feel inspired to be who you came here to be, and fulfill what you were put on this Earth to fulfill.