These guided meditation audios immerse you in a calming and soothing narrative and peaceful background music.

Using these meditations as a self-care resource can help you manage feelings of anxiety and stress, enhance your spiritual/divine connection, and provide some much needed relaxation.

Connecting with your Higher Self

This guided meditation assists you to feel a very strong connection with your Higher Self.

It guides you through a process using some imagery and visualisation, which aims to translate this feeling of connection into a very tactile energetic sensation.

It assists you to recognise and acknowledge the wise divine being of light that is a higher part of you, and that is always with you.

By following this meditation, connecting with your higher self becomes more than just a concept, but rather a felt experience that makes it more real and more meaningful.

This fosters a very empowered mindset that recognises this Divinity you have inside you, and in which you can feel aligned with the vibration, energies and intentions of your Higher Self.

Creating sacred space

Creating sacred space is good practice for having an ideal energetic environment in which to meditate, to have some quiet time in connection with your Soul, or perhaps while doing some spiritual or emotional selfcare work, or any form of spiritual practice.

Being in sacred space helps you feel safe, nurtured, and protected.

It helps you have trust and faith that you are in a field of vibration from the highest Divine Source.

The main things you need when going through this process, are to have an open mind, an open heart, an intention for your spiritual connection to be with the highest Divine Source, and letting go of any need to control the experience, and to just allow it to unfold in a way that is for your highest good.

Creating sacred space is also very portable. If at any time, no matter where you are, you feel a need to be sheltered or cocooned, or surrounded by energies of peace and protection, you can create your sacred space anywhere, in a matter of seconds.
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Embracing my emotions with Divine Love

This meditation takes you through a 3 step process in which you can bring a greater sense of balance and harmony with the feelings and emotions you’re carrying (that you may or may not yet be aware of).

1. Use mindfulness to observe and be a witness to the emotions and feelings inside yourself that come to your awareness.

2. Cultivate an attitude of acceptance for the feelings you’ve observed. Allow this sense of acceptance to be deepened in your body.

3. Immerse yourself in a healing space by inviting higher energies of Divine Love, with the aim of instilling a greater sense of harmony and balance inside yourself, in respect to these emotions and feelings.

The melodic and calming ambience created by this meditation helps and encourages you to feel more at ease, and gently leads you to embrace a sense of love and acceptance, with the intent of surrendering to a deeper level of spiritual/emotional healing from within.

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Golden light energies of Love

This guided meditation helps you connect with feelings of love and appreciation for yourself.

Having self-love is not coming from vanity or ego, but from healthy sense of self respect. You are more likely to be authentic and true to yourself if you have a healthy sense of self love.

Self love also means becoming aware of the judgements you have about yourself, and becoming more accepting of who you are as a person.

When you have self love, the higher aspect of yourself is able to shine through you more powerfully and with less resistance, which means being able to tap into the gifts and talents you were born with, and to be more comfortable sharing them with the world.

This meditation takes you through a process that helps you cultivate and tune into a loving acceptance and appreciation of yourself.

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Grounding and centering through Gaia

This meditation assists you to ground your energies, by focusing your attention on the grounding connection you make with the Earth.

A grounding connection helps you to feel more present, and helps you to feel more anchored within your body.

This in turn can help you feel more calm, and can help provide more clarity with your thoughts.

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Jewels of my higher traits

This meditation helps you recognise the higher traits you have inside you, and practice visualising them within you.

Each of your higher traits can be visualised as a beautiful coloured jewel, so that combined, you have a rainbow coloured collection of jewels residing within the core of yourself.

This meditation takes you through a process of imagery and visualisation to help you find and recognise them, and practice connecting with their energy.

So that during times when you’re finding it hard to cope, you can draw upon this energetic connection, and draw from the strength and resourcefulness that your inner jewels provide.

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My inner peaceful space

Let the outside world fall away, and feel safe, peaceful and protected in a calming sanctuary created in your inner world, and coloured by your creative visualisation and concentration.

Each time you do this meditation, you have an opportunity to add detail to the peaceful space you create from within your mind, and make it into an Idaho that you can retreat into when you need it.

A peaceful energy is at the heart of what you are creating, that you can integrate within yourself and carry with you outside of the meditation in your daily life.

Nourish me with Divine Healing

All true spiritual and emotional healing originates from within, and progressively proceeds in its effects from the inside out.

Sometimes we need to reach out to a higher source in order to lift our inner vibration, and cultivate an inner state from which positive healing shifts can take hold.

This meditation helps you to recognise the loving spiritual power of the universe that you can call upon to help you toward cultivating a more balanced inner state, from which subtle positive shifts can potentially impress themselves upon your awareness.

Use visualisation, focus and the perception of subtle energies to immerse yourself in a calming healing space of higher energies, which is aimed at inviting Divine Healing for your highest good.

Ideally suited for when you need to feel emotionally supported, or as a resource for coping with feelings of anxiety and depression.

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Relax and breathe deeply

Sometimes the simplest meditations are the most powerful.

This simple meditation guides you to tune into and use the power of your breath, to release tension and stress from your body.

From within a deeply calming ambience which helps you to let go, you are guided and invited to immerse yourself into a deeply relaxing space.

Replenishing the chakras

Give yourself some time to receive the highest energy healing for each of your chakras.

Each one of your major 7 chakra centres plays an important role in maintaining the harmony of your body, mind, emotions, and energies.

This audio holds space for you to replenish and harmonise the energies of each of your chakras, by connecting to a higher source of energy healing.

 Energy healing for your chakras can lead you to connecting more fully with an inherent sense of harmony from within you, which is more accessible when your chakras energies are more balanced and aligned.
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Softening the barriers of my heart

This meditation helps you connect with your heart, your centre, and a Higher Source. It aims to help you feel a greater peace and spiritual connection.

It promotes a warm feeling of heart connection which aims to transform and enhance the way you feel.

It invites you to safely and gently soften the walls around your heart that may be contributing to you experiencing disconnection or disharmony in some way.

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The heart of my higher self

This guided meditation audio takes you through a process to feel the presence of your Higher Self, and to develop your own connection inside yourself.

A calming narrative guides you step by step, helping you to focus within, and explore what this connection feels like for you.

It’s intended as a resource for you to use again and again, to strengthen and reinforce your connection with your Higher Self.

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