body bliss

Body Bliss is ideally suited if you are looking to receive a relaxing treatment to relieve the effects of tension, anxiety and stress, or as a way of giving yourself quality nurturing time.

This style of therapy is applied over comfortable clothing on a massage table, and is a very nurturing whole-body experience. It coaxes you into a very deep inner space, where you connect with a deeply felt therapeutic relaxation.

In a Body Bliss session, there is very little or no talking, and you just relax and receive a very nurturing, relaxing treatment of therapeutic bodywork and energy healing.

Receiving this uplifting and nourishing style of therapy helps you feel extremely relaxed, and to experience a deep sense of peace.

mind body spirit harmony

A Mind Body Spirit Harmony session uses acupressure, breathwork, mindfulness, and intention to connect with the energetics of your body, mind and spirit, and to facilitate creating more harmony on an energetic level.

This type of session is applied over clothing while lying down on a massage table, and is ideal for clearing, aligning and balancing your body’s energies, and to immerse yourself in a healing space for a period of time.

In this kind of treatment, we are doing the work energetically, on a level beyond the superficial mind, and we hold a space that allows for healing without needing to make sense of what’s going on.

deep core healing

A Deep Core Healing session uses a very supportive discovery process that uses non-directive questions in a special fashion which helps you connect your mind with your body, and helps bring to light root causes of disharmony.

It helps to empower you to understand how any disharmony in the body is a reflection of disharmony in the mind.

A Deep Core Healing session provides a healing supportive space to help you through a deep dive discovery process to reveal root causes of disharmony.

About your practitioner

My journey with healing therapies began in 2002.

I've worked in a number of clinics around metro Adelaide offering energy healing and related therapies, working with clients to facilitate a shift toward greater well-being.

I really enjoy using a calming and soothing style of bodywork and energy work to help draw people into a deeply relaxed state, from which they can harmonise and connect with their own inner healing.

My therapy sessions are a sacred space where you can feel very comfortable, safe and nurtured to get in touch with the deeper parts of yourself that are ready for healing and transformation.

My main intent for your healing session is to offer a sacred space for you to feel safe and open for allowing a process of healing to naturally unfold from within you.

I have a peaceful, caring and compassionate nature, which I’ve been told helps to make you feel at ease.

I am a qualified practitioner of shiatsu, acupressure, anma (Japanese massage), reiki, myofascial release, polarity therapy and reflexology. These are some of the therapies from which my therapy work has evolved.

The supportive nature in which I approach and perform my healing work is influenced by healing therapies like Hakomi, Rosen Bodywork, Energy Psychology, as well as my own inherent compassionate and empathic nature.

individual sessions

Session prices for a one-off session.

Get a 3 Session Package

(Pay for 3 sessions in advance, to save on individual session prices)

healing journey

Regular ongoing sessions to support you in your healing journey, at a discounted rate.

This is a way to have a caring practitioner hold your hand during your healing journey.

To further assist you on your healing journey, you’ll receive email support for any questions you may have, and selfcare suggestions to assist you with selfcare homework so you can maintain momentum between sessions.


"Claudio has created a space for me to find clarity and peace around a major decision in my life. He helped me connect to my higher self and enabled me to access my intuition even when life was quite stressful. His ability to empathise and read what you need in each session is incredible and I always leave feeling so much calmer and connected to myself. I am extremely grateful for the clarity, guidance and support he has provided me at a time when it seemed nothing else could help." - Cara