A key factor in the inner healing process

Healing is a natural quality that comes from within. Being unaware of this will make you seek for healing through something external to yourself. In order to access the healing within, it’s almost like you need to find the right

By |2019-07-16T10:53:25+09:30January 12th, 2019|Healing|Comments Off on A key factor in the inner healing process

Using energy work as a resource for emotional healing

Emotions are what make us so uniquely human, yet they can be such a great source of pain and discomfort for us. When we are besieged by strong and powerful emotions, they can sweep us in a tide of uncomfortable

By |2021-05-31T02:31:50+09:30December 12th, 2018|Therapies|Comments Off on Using energy work as a resource for emotional healing

Aligning your choices with your Soul

Have you ever had moments where you’ve asked yourself why you ever came to Planet Earth? Could there possibly be a tougher assignment?   People say everyone has a purpose to their existence. While that may be true, it’s not

By |2021-05-31T02:31:40+09:30November 17th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on Aligning your choices with your Soul

How can meditation assist with feelings of depression

Whether you experience occasional bouts of depression, or if it’s something you have to deal with on a daily basis, the state of depression you feel can incapacitate you, and make you feel worthless, desperate and alone.When you are in

By |2021-07-09T15:41:38+09:30October 8th, 2018|Meditation|Comments Off on How can meditation assist with feelings of depression

Using heart centred meditation for personal transformation

There are many paths to navigating the practice of meditation. Everyone who has a meditation practice has their own reason for meditating. Some of these reasons may include detaching from worry and stress and contacting a more relaxed state. Or

By |2021-07-09T14:52:58+09:30August 4th, 2018|Meditation|Comments Off on Using heart centred meditation for personal transformation

5 ways to soften barriers to love and healing

Everybody feels a need to protect themselves on some level. It's not easy to be vulnerable with your feelings, and you definitely don't want to feel exposed or to be taken advantage of. So it's quite natural to put a

By |2021-05-31T02:30:46+09:30July 7th, 2018|Healing|Comments Off on 5 ways to soften barriers to love and healing

What does it really mean to have self love

Self love. What does it really mean? What does it mean to you? Self love could be described in a number of ways, but fundamentally, self love is about having acceptance and appreciation for yourself. It’s about becoming aware of

By |2021-05-31T02:30:13+09:30June 9th, 2018|Healing|Comments Off on What does it really mean to have self love

The importance of having a spiritual connection

It can be an invaluable aid in handling life’s challenges when you are equipped with some sort of spiritual connection. This connection can help remind you that there’s more to life than what’s before your eyes. Having a spiritual connection

By |2021-05-31T02:30:36+09:30May 18th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on The importance of having a spiritual connection

Touching the sacred inside

It’s by going within that you pave the way for making contact with the sacred within you. Sacredness is within you always, and is present every day. It just usually goes unnoticed. Life demands most of our attention most of

By |2021-05-31T02:30:24+09:30April 8th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on Touching the sacred inside
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