Posts with a spiritual theme

Practical Spirituality

Having a sense of spirituality can really help you during times when you feel isolated, or unable to relate to the world, or to the people around you.In basic and non-convoluted terms, having a sense of spirituality recognises the presence

By |2021-05-31T02:32:18+09:30March 26th, 2019|Spiritual|Comments Off on Practical Spirituality

Aligning your choices with your Soul

Have you ever had moments where you’ve asked yourself why you ever came to Planet Earth? Could there possibly be a tougher assignment?   People say everyone has a purpose to their existence. While that may be true, it’s not

By |2021-05-31T02:31:40+09:30November 17th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on Aligning your choices with your Soul

The importance of having a spiritual connection

It can be an invaluable aid in handling life’s challenges when you are equipped with some sort of spiritual connection. This connection can help remind you that there’s more to life than what’s before your eyes. Having a spiritual connection

By |2021-05-31T02:30:36+09:30May 18th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on The importance of having a spiritual connection

Touching the sacred inside

It’s by going within that you pave the way for making contact with the sacred within you. Sacredness is within you always, and is present every day. It just usually goes unnoticed. Life demands most of our attention most of

By |2021-05-31T02:30:24+09:30April 8th, 2018|Spiritual|Comments Off on Touching the sacred inside
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