Easy to use selfcare daily ritual programs 

A beacon of light, when you need strength and support to help you manage and cope with stressful times

Embracing my higher self

This daily ritual self-care program provides you with tools and resources to inspire a deeper and more authentic connection with your Higher Self.

It inspires a mindset for higher self-worth, a deeper connection to your true sense of Self, and reverence for the amazing Divine Being that you are.

Use it whenever you're in need of feeling more centred, or in need of reinforcing your Higher Self connection.

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You’ll find value in this self-care program if you relate to any of the following:

  • You struggle with low self-esteem, feel unworthy, or are searching to validate your self-worth, so you can honour yourself in the way you deserve
  • You yearn for a deeper connection to the Divinity inside you, so you can feel more aligned and in tune with your purpose
  • You potentially have unresolved feelings of rejection from the past, and are in need of restoring your sense of self, through an inner connection that offers you a highest form of unconditional love
  • You’ve had to deal with feelings of betrayal, and are in need of healing through building trust in a reliable and supportive connection to your higher wisdom
  • You feel unsupported, and need to look within for a dependable source of support as strength within yourself

By using this daily ritual self-care program, you’ll be assisted to:

  • Feel a stronger connection with your true sense of self
  • Tap into your inner strength
  • Feel empowered through recognising a source of resourcefulness inside you
  • Connect with your own Divinity
  • Feel a supportive presence of God within
  • Associate your identity through the eyes of your Higher Self
  • Feel a deeper, stronger, more personal and intimate connection with your Higher Self – which is the Divinity you hold inside yourself

Shining the light of my inner strength

This daily ritual selfcare program helps you turn your focus inward to recognise a source of inner strength and power you have inside you.

It helps you build a connection with this source of inner strength, and feel empowered through drawing upon this connection.

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Why use this self-care program?

You'll find value in this self-care program if:

  • You feel disempowered through fear
  • You feel overwhelmed by the demands of life and feel like you don’t have the strength to cope with it
  • You lack faith on your own abilities
  • You have a low level of confidence in yourself
  • You have low self worth
  • You don’t feel like you’ve got what it takes to handle the challenges life is presenting you with

Following the process of this self-care program helps you to:

  • Build up confidence in your own abilities
  • Recognise the higher traits you have inside you
  • Build a connection to your source of inner strength
  • Feel empowered through awakening your strengths
  • Connect with your Higher Self and recognise that its power is your power
  • Cultivate a practice that enables your inner power to rise
  • Build a connection to your strengths and abilities

Aligning with purpose

This daily ritual selfcare program helps you recognise and value your inspiration as a source of guidance from your Higher Self.

Use this program whenever you feel you need a mindset boost for more inspiration.

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Why use this self-care program?

You'll find value in this self-care program if:

  • You wish you could feel a greater sense of authenticity in your life
  • You struggle to recognise what could contribute to a meaningful life
  • You long to connect with more fulfillment
  • You feel lost
  • You have troubles connecting with a sense of purpose

Following the process of this daily ritual program helps you to:

  • Use inspiration as feedback for showing you when you are on or off track
  • Shape your mindset around feeling inspired
  • Let your interests guide you toward a sense of meaning & purpose
  • Embrace your inspiration as guidance from your higher wisdom
  • Recognise your skills and strengths

This daily ritual program helps you recognise and value your inspiration as a source of guidance from your Higher Self.

It provides you with tools and resources to help you acknowledge and embrace the inspired behaviours you may be already demonstrating in your life, which you may or may not be noticing.

Safe haven of my spiritual support

This self-care program is a source of comfort and strength, and helps you to recognise that you are not alone.

It provides you with tools and resources to help you into a mindset which recognises a source of spiritual support available to you.

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Why use this self-care program?

You'll find value in this self-care program if:

  • you're dealing with sadness or grief, and need to lean on a source of comfort and support
  • you feel overwhelmed by anxiousness or fear, and in need of some support to give you strength
  • you struggle with low self-esteem, or a sense of worthlessness, when all you really want is to feel valued
  • you find yourself being defensive to other people’s opinions or comments, which in turn makes you feel unsupported, or not honoured for who you are

Following the process of this self-care program helps you to:

  • Feel like your needs are being accepted
  • Feel like you are being held in supportive arms
  • Feel cared for
  • Feel valued
  • Feel like you matter
  • Feel like you are being heard
  • Feel like there is support at hand