Energy Healing Bodywork

A therapeutic  sanctuary for healing, peace & relaxation

An Energy healing bodywork session offers a safe & supportive space for Holistic Counselling, and a soothing form of hands-on therapy, which integrates the relaxing effects of therapeutic bodywork, with the balancing effects of focused energy healing, from a healing studio space in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide.

If you’re in need of Holistic Counselling, your session will incorporate the use of mindfulness as a way of discovery for greater insight and awareness in relation to issues you’d like to have a positive transformation with.

If you’re wanting some hands-on therapy, the smooth and flowing manner in which bodywork and energy healing is applied has a hypnotic effect, which can help you drift into a deep state of peace and relaxation. This style of therapy is applied over comfortable clothing on a massage table.

Your session will be adapted and personalised to include whatever combination of Holistic Counselling, Therapeutic Bodywork and/or Energy Healing that best suits your needs, your reason for coming, and what you’d like to experience.

Reasons to have a session

  • You are looking for an adjunct therapy as a way of maintaining your health & well-being
  • You need to slow down and connect with a sense of calmness
  • You need to feel more at peace within yourself
  • You need a safe space where you can feel free to let go of your worries & stress
  • You feel overwhelmed and you don’t feel the inner strength to cope
  • You struggle with fear or depression
  • You need to experience more peace and harmony within yourself
  • You need help dealing with feelings of anxiety, worry or stress
  • To feel more in touch with your body, emotions and spirituality
  • To experience a deep and soothing relaxation
  • For release of physical tension
  • To feel relief from anxiety, or as a way to manage anxiety

Benefits you may receive from your session

  • Relief of tension in the body
  • Alleviation of aches and pains
  • Feel calmer with a greater sense of peace
  • Feel revitalised and more energised
  • Feel more centered
  • Feel more clear within yourself
  • Feel more uplifted
  • Feel a greater sense of harmony within yourself
  • Experience positive transformation in your mindset
  • Experience subtle transformational changes inside yourself
  • Experience a sense of rejuvenation
  • Experience a notable relief from your stress
  • Experience a shift in your feelings or emotions
  • Experience a greater sense of harmony within yourself and with others
  • Recognise thought patterns that contribute to mental or emotional distress
  • People generally leave a session feeling like they’ve touched a deeper part of themselves, making them feel more integrated, refreshed and calm.
People generally leave an Energy healing bodywork session feeling like they’ve touched a deeper part of themselves, making them feel more integrated, refreshed and calm

Recommendations for your session

Energy healing bodywork sessions are offered from a healing studio space in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide (address supplied after booking).

For energy healing and therapeutic bodywork, it’s recommended that you wear clothing in which you will feel comfortable while lying down on a massage table.

Natural fibres are best suited while receiving Energy Healing.

If you intend on receiving Therapeutic Bodywork, it’s preferable to:

  • avoid wearing slippery material
  • avoid wearing denim
  • avoid wearing nylon or related fabrics

For example, a cotton top and light cotton track pants (or something similar) are a good option for Therapeutic Bodywork.

It's also recommended to avoid eating anything heavy for at least one hour before your session, as this may lead you to feeling discomfort while you are lying down on the massage table.

Therapeutic Bodywork

Therapeutic bodywork

Therapeutic Bodywork is a gentle hands-on therapy which combines bodywork and healing techniques derived from ancient eastern therapy styles such as anma (Japanese massage), shiatsu, acupressure, and reflexology, as well as adaptions from modern therapeutic practices such as polarity therapy and myofascial release.

This style of therapy is applied over comfortable clothing, and is a very nurturing whole-body experience. It coaxes you into a very deep inner space, where you connect with a deeply felt therapeutic relaxation.

It’s ideally suited if you are looking to receive a relaxing treatment to relieve the effects of tension, anxiety and stress, or as a way of giving yourself quality nurturing time, or as an adjunct therapy for maintaining your well-being.

Your body feels like it is rocked, swayed, stretched and smoothed, slowly drawing you into a deeply hypnotic state.

Therapeutic bodywork is ideal to use as a regular outlet for unwinding from physical tension and/or emotional stress.

Receiving this uplifting and nourishing style of bodywork helps you feel extremely relaxed, and to experience a deep sense of peace.

The feelings of peace and rejuvenation created by receiving a session have been shown to be quite profound.

Therapeutic bodywork is experienced differently for everyone, but generally, you feel extremely relaxed, feel relief from tension, and experience a sense of peace and calmness

This session is ideal to help you de-stress, unwind, release tension and feel a sense of tranquility.

Therapeutic Bodywork can help soothe and coax you into a deeper space, where you can make contact with your calm centre.

It’s a deeply soothing and relaxing experience in which you get to enjoy some deeply nurturing rejuvenation time that enhances your feeling of wellbeing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

A common after effect from a session is a feeling of rejuvenation and bliss, feeling re-energised and more centered, feeling more buoyant and more peaceful. What seemed stressful before has lost its edge.

Holistic Counselling

Holistic Counselling

Holistic Counselling holds a supportive space where you can safely soften barriers and allow a higher healing and awareness to emerge.

It involves using mindful awareness as a discovery process for areas you most need healing with. This may help to bring to your awareness the internal mechanisms that are affecting you, or not serving you.

This process of exploring and discovery is done from the place of the highest confidentiality, respect and integrity, where you are able to feel accepted, and safe to be vulnerable and honest with yourself.

The Holistic Counselling process assists you to identify limiting patterns, thoughts and beliefs that you may be identifying with.

Bringing this to awareness facilitates a process of healing and transformation, and helps you to identify with a more empowered and compassionate mindset.

Holistic Counselling creates a healing space that helps you connect with the deeper parts of yourself, and allows for a higher awareness to emerge from the wisdom and knowing you have inside you

The discovery process of Holistic Counselling has the effect of helping to transform energy influences that may be having a negative or limiting impact on you. These may be influencing the kind of experiences you’re attracting to yourself, the level of stress you feel, or your general state of mental and/or emotional wellness.

The healing space that Holistic Counselling facilitates can help you raise your awareness and to align with a higher vibrational state.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing

Energy clearing & balancing

Being in an energy healing space provides a healing sanctuary, where you can harmonise your energies while feeling nurtured, safe and cocooned in a peaceful space.

It’s ideal for clearing, aligning and balancing your body’s energies, and to immerse yourself in a healing space for a period of time.

Energy healing may include chakra balancing, cleansing and clearing of your aura, and acupressure for balancing the energies of the meridians.

It may also involve deeper spiritual healing work.

By clearing and balancing the body’s energies, energy healing helps to promote your ability to maintain a sense of harmony from within.

Receiving energy healing on the massage table

Energy healing typically involves lying down on a massage table to receive hands-on and hands-off energy healing.

The energy healing space is a sacred space created with a high healing intent, so the energies in your space are connected to the highest Divine source.

Being on the receiving end of energy healing can feel like being immersed in an energy bath.

As you allow yourself to feel receptive to healing energies, you allow your body and energy field to receive what can feel like waves of high vibration energy washing over you.

At times, it can feel like you are surrounded in a cocoon of nurturing energy.

Drifting off into a highly restful state helps turn down the volume of your thoughts, allowing your body to gently let go of unconscious thoughts, memories and limiting energies, which can facilitate you having a deeper awareness of yourself.

It’s also a really good way of energetically integrating the work done during the discovery process of Holistic Counselling, if that’s something that was done earlier in the session.

Energy healing can help soothe and coax you into a deeper space, where you can make contact with your calm centre. Being in this relaxed state facilitates the natural unwinding and balancing of your body’s energies


"Claudio has created a space for me to find clarity and peace around a major decision in my life. He helped me connect to my higher self and enabled me to access my intuition even when life was quite stressful. His ability to empathise and read what you need in each session is incredible and I always leave feeling so much calmer and connected to myself. I am extremely grateful for the clarity, guidance and support he has provided me at a time when it seemed nothing else could help." - Cara

"I feel so nourished in my sessions with Claudio. I am able to find a space where I can deeply relax and let go, which is very replenishing to my soul. I highly recommend Claudio's beautiful heartfelt energy which carries you and nurtures you." - Constantina

About Claudio

My journey with healing therapies began in 2002.

I've worked in a number of clinics around metro Adelaide offering energy healing and related therapies, working with clients to facilitate a shift toward greater well-being.

I really enjoy using a calming and soothing style of bodywork and energy work to help draw people into a deeply relaxed state, from which they can harmonise and connect with their own inner healing.

My therapy sessions are a sacred space where you can feel very comfortable, safe and nurtured to get in touch with the deeper parts of yourself that are ready for healing and transformation.

My main intent for your healing session is to offer a sacred space for you to feel safe and open for allowing a process of healing to naturally unfold from within you.

I have a peaceful, caring and compassionate nature, which I’ve been told helps to make you feel at ease.

I am a qualified practitioner of shiatsu, acupressure, anma (Japanese massage), reiki, myofascial release, polarity therapy and reflexology. These are some of the therapies from which my therapy work has evolved.

The supportive nature in which I approach and perform my healing work is influenced by healing therapies like Hakomi, Rosen Bodywork, Energy Psychology, as well as my own inherent compassionate and empathic nature.


To make a booking for an Energy Healing Bodywork session with Claudio in healing room in the eastern suburbs of metro Adelaide, book online or contact Claudio.